Shoulder Pain

DTX Sports Medicine, Shoulder Pain

Sports Chiropractic for the Treatment of Shoulder Pain

With so many different sports requiring repetitive and forceful overhead motions, it’s no wonder that shoulder injuries are so common among athletes. Tennis, football, baseball and soccer players, as well as swimmers, softball and volleyball players all have a high likelihood of experiencing shoulder pain at some point in their training. 

The three most common sports-related shoulder injuries are often cartilage tears along the labral rim of the ball and socket, instability or dislocation due to impact, rotator cuff tears, and tendon and muscle strains.   

Because all of these shoulder injuries, as well as others like bursitis and frozen shoulder, involve the soft tissues of the joint rather than the bone, sports chiropractic care is ideally suited to rehabbing them.


Sports chiropractic employs a multi-modal approach designed to ensure proper alignment, free up constrictions and increase strength flexibility and range of motion in the total shoulder area — not just the part that hurts.  This approach includes:

  • manual adjustments of the neck, shoulders and mid back

  • myofascial release/soft tissue manipulation

  • physical therapy techniques like hot/cold therapy, electrical stimulation and magnetic pulse treatments, among others

  • specific stretches/exercises


All of these sports chiropractic modalities have proven effective at treating and preventing sports-related shoulder pain in athletes of all ages and levels. 

Sports chiropractic management of shoulder pain and injury is not only a recommended first line of treatment, it is an excellent post-surgical rehab modality if more invasive treatment is necessary.   

When included as a regular part of a training and recovery program, sports chiropractic is great for preventing shoulder injuries as well.


For best results, the ideal time to treat shoulder pain is right when it begins.  If you address inflammation and pain early, shoulder injuries are more likely to respond to minimally invasive sports chiropractic therapies.

Call DTX Sports Medicine Today!

DTX Sports Medicine can identify the cause of your pain and use proven modalities to relieve discomfort and slow the progression of symptoms to keep you active.