DTX Sports Medicine: Dallas’ Premier Sport Chiropractic and Sports Medicine Specialists

Athletes know that being able to depend on their bodies to perform optimally can be the difference in a personal best or a personal bust.  Whether preparing for an intense training session or a game or race day, sports chiropractic care can play a major role in the successful management of athletic training and injuries.

When incorporated as part of the regular training and conditioning program, sports chiropractic can both optimize  performance and reduce the likelihood of injury by ensuring proper body and limb alignment, and a supple, more flexible musculature.  Both of these specialities grant ease of movement through muscles, tendons and joints, as well as increase strength and power.

Body Alignment

The founding principle of chiropractic care is to ensure proper body alignment, which enables athletes and non-athletes alike to  enjoy full range of motion. By realigning and decompressing the vertebra of the neck and spine, and gently manipulating dysfunctional joints in the shoulder, wrist and ankle, sports chiropractic specialists can often relieve pain and restore function in a natural, safe and drug-free way. 

Muscle Work

Regular and intense workouts inevitably mean muscle tension and soreness, if not outright strains, sprains and tears. Sports chiropractic care enables athletes to address pain during activity at its earliest stages, often eliminating the progression to actual injury. 

While a properly aligned spine stops muscles from being pulled, tugged and strained in unintended ways, follow-up soft tissue manipulation relieves muscle constrictions and tension. 

After intense training or injury, myofascial release massage helps break up damaged tissue and encourage blood flow to affected areas, both of which decrease recovery time and lead to more complete healing. 

Performance Enhancing Modalities

Even with the most dedicated athletes, non-personalized training can only get you so far.  It’s important to know how body mechanics and unknown physical limitations may be impacting your results. 

Trained sports medicine specialists, such as those at DTX Sports Medicine, can offer a number of performance enhancing modalities to take your training to the next level.  

They can:

  • Analyze how your body mechanics are affecting your technique and movement efficiency;

  • Identify muscle weakness or imbalance issues and assign specific strength and flexibility protocols to assist in your movement requirements;

  • Utilize hot, cold and electromagnetic therapies to stimulate muscles and make them easier to work with;

  • Employ speciality modalities like cupping, dry needling, myo-acoustic compression therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, among others, to relieve pain, swelling and limited range of motion.

With targeted sports chiropractic therapies, athletes can train more optimally without pain and injury and with shorter recovery times. Contact DTX Sports Medicine to discover how sports chiropractic care can enhance your athletic training. 


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy


Stretches for Lower Back Pain